Well it's Saturday the 30th and I'm sat here with the obligatory glass of red, and it's raining. The story so far goes like this ; Monday as we gently amble down towards Portsmouth, the phone rings and it's Britany Ferries telling us that because the weather is going to be 'orrible, we are sailing at midnight and not 8 the following morning, so we upped the pace. The crossing was dreadful, even I had to take a pill (the first time in my life), but 7am Wedesday we landed at Santander and the adventure began.
We had intended to take a couple of days crossing Spain, but when we arrived at our first intended stop we were unimpressed, but nearby there was the most wonderful Roman villa at Pedrosa de la Vega, close by Leon. The mosaics were the most fabulous we have ever seen.
After we moved from there I realised that to get into Portugal would be a realativly easy trip, so we went.
We arrived at our overnight stop at a place called Braganca and the free aire was at the base a of a 15c citadel, which was truly magnificent. The weather all the way was wet and windy though, but the journey through the mountains was wonderful.
Day 4, the 28th. The morning was spent looking round the town, and after lunch we headed off .
Again through magnificent scenery and arrived at Paso de Regua and another free aire on the banks of the river Douro and home of the Port wine.
Day 5. As we left we entered more mountains, but they were covered with terraces of vines and olives, and as we passed the 500mtr mark, the scenery was truly stunning. We headed for the coastal town of Aveiro, known as the Venice of Portugal.
The free aire there was dreadful, but the city was beautiful with much stunning architecture, but after a couple of hours wandering round we decided to bite the bullet---------------and actually pay for a campsite for a couple of nights, so this is where we are now. Just a few kilometres south of Aviero at a place called Vagueira in amongst the pines on a lovely campsite, and where we met up with our first Brits (well one's a Brummie). So until I hit more free wifi, that's it for now. Nite Nite & cheers